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Showing posts from September, 2013

Soda Stream Revolution Black Starter Kit Giveaway! 10/21

Hosted by  NYSavingSpecials Co-Hosted by: Barbara's Beat ,  Rainy Day Pennies ,  Capri's Coupons ,  Chronically Content  and  Simply Sherryl .  I drink soda all the time,right after my coffee I am grabbing my Diet Pepsi. I love the taste of it by the cost is rising all the time. With the Soda Stream I can start making my own soda at home,and not only does it taste great~it saves money! Right now you can win the Soda Stream Revolution Black Starter Set. Read Below~ One lucky winner will win "Soda Stream Revolution Black Starter Kit" Value $199    Details: September 30 to October 21 US Residents only All entries are optional a Rafflecopter giveaway {Disclaimer ~DebsHere  is not responsible for the awarding of the prize.  Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.  If you have any questions about this giveaway, please email the host at}

Exceptional Sheets Giveaway! 11/1

ExceptionalSheets.Com Luxury Egyptian Cotton Linens Company Overview: is an American owned company operated out of Evansville, Indiana. Countless hours of time, effort, and a little luck has helped become one of the Internets most trusted and successful specialty linen providers. I ordered the 900 Gram 6 Piece Towel Set Egyptian Cotton Towels~ If you are looking for a good set of towels,look no more you have found them! Let me tell you these are the softest towels that I have ever owned.One look at them and I was in love~not only that but the Plume color that I ordered is beautiful.Much better in person the color is so rich looking! Makes me feel like royalty when I am wrapped in one they are so soft and cozy. These towels are for sure going to be my favorite as they are extremely absorbent and dry very quickly after each use.Look great just hanging in the bathroom,matches my colors perfect! Product Descriptions 5 Star ...

Rufus and Ryan Go To Church! Review and Giveaway! 10/14

~ Rufus and Ryan Go to Church ~ By  Kathleen Long Bostrom In Rufus and Ryan Go to Church! , four-year-old Ryan explains to his stuffed monkey, Rufus, what is happening as they attend church on Sunday morning. He lets Rufus know when it’s time to sing and to pray and to be quiet. Author Kathleen Bostrom brings a delightfully light touch to the text as she provides an introduction to an experience that most children are exposed to long before they understand why. And children everywhere will relate to the idea of explaining their surroundings to their favorite companions as they go about their daily activities. My Review~ This is such a cute board book for children. As Ryan loves going to church and he takes Rufus with him every Sunday! He explains everything to him and it is in a language that all children will not only understand but love reading about it. I like that he tells Rufus that it is time to sing and Ryan sings the loudest even though he does not know a...

Did I Say That Out Loud? by Kelly Harman Book Tour Giveaway!

  5 WINNERS !! This giveaway has been kindly brought to you by author Kelly McDermott Harman 2 Winners receive the SIGNED BOOK 3 Winners receive a $10 Amazon / Paypal Giftcard Ending on Sunday 20th October at 11.59pm EST Open Worldwide !! We've all had it - the "uh-oh" of wishing we could take back the comment that somehow escaped the filter between our brains and our mouths. Did I Say That Out Loud? is the tell-all account of the author's misadventures in the daily experience that is life. Told in the tone of a coffee-klatch gathering with your best girlfriends - you know, the ones you can share anything and everything with - the author holds nothing back as she recounts the trials and tribulations of life as Kelly Harman. Thinking of braving Botox or plastic surgery? Get the real scoop from Kelly, including pre-procedure husband prep. Need help when your cat catches on fire? Ask Kelly how to extinguish the flames without spilling your wine. Su...

Hauck Toys Go Kart Giveaway! 10/11

Welcome to the Hauck Kids Go Kart Giveaway,  hosted by Housewife on a Mission and Thrifty Nifty Mommy ! Hauck Toys manufactures fun, innovative products for boys and girls of all ages. Megan from Housewife on a Mission was sent a Superman Go Kart to review from Grand Touring Baby. Grand Touring Baby, if you don't know, is the official domestic distributor for Hauck, i'coo and Hauck Toy products in Canada and the USA! To read Megan's full review the Superman Go Kart, GO HERE . About the Go Kart: Innovative, durable and sport inspired design puts the driver of the new Hurricane pedal kart in complete control of any situation.  The custom, ergonomic seat is adjustable and equipped with a high backrest – for a comfortable and safe sitting position. Speed can be kept in-check, even through curves, with the easy-to-use handbrake.  Kids love the Batman/Superman go kart due to its fantastic handling characteristics, child-oriented ergonomics and saf...

Chicken Soup For The Soul-Readers Choice Giveaway Winners!

We Have The Chicken Soup For The Soul-Readers Choice Giveaway Winners!         Congrats To~   Amy C   Austin    and   Marjorie   I have sent a email and you have 48 hours to respond. Not the winner this time?!? Not to worry~I have new things all the time so please stop back!

$300.00 Mialisia Giveaway! 10/16

Welcome to the Shop Mialisia VersaStyleâ„¢ Jewelry $300 Giveaway hosted by Stay a Stay at Home Mom and sponsored by Stacia Jacobson with Mialisia Jewelry . Here's your chance to beautify your world with a fantastic array of jewelry designed to compliment any occasion!  I love jewelry~as no matter where I am going I like to wear it to match all my outfits. Some days I like to wear many pieces and some I just like to wear my rings. No matter what the occasion or just for every day you are going to love this giveaway! Watch this video below to learn about this u unique jewelry company:     Create a look that is unique to you. Build a rewarding business. Mialisia empowers everyone to do both. Mialisia, a direct sales company specializing in unique jewelry, is inventor of the VersaStyleâ„¢ concept that allows two pieces of jewelry to be worn an infinite number of ways. Mialisia offers this patent-pending jewelry to consumers through in-home demonstrations provid...

Win the All-New Paperwhite Kindle from Guideposts Books in the Home to Heather Creek Giveaway! 10/7

Guideposts Books is thrilled to announce their brand new series, Home to Heather Creek , by Kathleen Bauer. The first two books, Before the Dawn and Sweet September , launch this month and Guideposts Books is celebrating with a Paperwhite Kindle Giveaway! One winner will receive: A Paperwhite Kindle Before the Dawn  and Sweet September  by Kathleen Bauer Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 5th. All winners will be announced October 7th HERE . Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit the Litfuse blog on the 7th to see if you won! (Or better yet, subscribe to their blog  [enter your email in the blog sidebar] and have the winner announcement delivered to your inbox!)

Bloggers Wanted ~ It’s Christmas Event!

It’s Christmas Giveaway Event Organized by: Mom Powered Media Grand Prize: $500 Sears Gift Card Event dates: 11/11 - 12/2  Open to US Referral prize: $50 Amazon E-Code or Paypal Cash  Bloggers: Sign Up HERE Please tell them I sent ya from DebsHere~Thanks!

Bloggers,Free and Pay Sign Up - Soda Stream Revolution Black Starter Kit Value $199!

We are giving away a Revolution Black Starter Kit Value $199 -FREE Link with announcement (Twitter or Pinterest) (go here for the  announcement) -Giveaway date:  September 23 to October 14 -Co-host $10.00 10 Links 2 Co-host pages Extra links $1.00 Send payment to Sign up Here

PlasmaCar Ride-On Giveaway! 10/4

Hosted By: Simply Southern Couponers Sponsored By: PlaSmart The Original PlasmaCar is an innovative ride-on toy that harnesses the natural forces of inertia, centrifugal force, friction, and kid power. Requires no batteries or pedals, just turn the steering wheel and go. Can be used indoors or outdoors but not recommended on hardwood floors. Perfect for ages 3 and up with a weight limit of 220lbs, creating endless hours of fun for both children and adults. To see more about PlasmaCar read Simply Southern Couponers full review . Have you seen the PlasmaCar Ride-On yet? I have seen one and think that these are just the neatest little thing! The whole family can enjoy this,as it fun for all it holds up to 220 lbs. I love that there are no batteries to install,just put it together and you are ready to go! Giveaway Details: September 20th, 2013- October 4th, 2013 Open to US residents only, must be 18+ to participate! Prize: One lucky reader will win their very own P...

Room on the Broom DVD Giveaway Winner!

We Have The Room on the Broom DVD Giveaway Winner!! Congrats To~ Ellie W I have sent a email and you have 48 hours to respond. Not the winner this time?!? No worries~Stop by again as there are new things all the time!

American Jewel Hair Ties

 Have you heard of the World's Most Beautiful Hair Ties?!? I have really long thick hair and I am forever looking for something to hold my hair. This time I think that I have found a solution with American Jewel Hair Ties . Not only can these be worn in your hair,you can wear them as a bracelet,necklace and a anklet. They are so beautiful that you are going to want to show them off. There are many to choose from,I was there looking for quite awhile but I finally decided on a few of them to review. So stop back as I will be receiving my selection real soon. And~not only that but American Jewel Hair Ties will be offering you a chance to win some for your own!

Begin Again Artist On The Go Giveaway! 10/2

Hosted By: Simply Southern Couponers Sponsored By: Begin Again Begin Again was founded by Benjamin Barlowe who was an early 20th century inventor who loved old-fashioned fun tales and was inspired to create adventurous toys by his two grandchildren. He created Begin Again Toys for children to experience imaginative storytelling with creative learning and fun. Some of you may know or may have heard of toy makers David Bowen and Chris Clemmer who are the co founders of a company called Sprig Toys which is also much like Begin Again Toys that focus on imaginative storytelling in their products. To see more about Begin Again Toys read Simply Southern Couponers full review here . A special thanks to our sponsor and a great group of bloggers for helping us with this event. Head over and follow them on their social pages.   (Photo Credit: Begin Again) With the holidays around the corner BegainAgain Artist On The Go kit would be a great gift for all the little artists ...

Madison Wood Gym Set Giveaway! 10/7

Hosted by: NYSavingSpecials Co-Hosted by: Mommy on the Money ,  The Stuff of Success ,  Barbara's Beat ,  Libby's Library ,  Capri's Coupons , C ouponing4you ,  A Little Bit of Everything ,  Simply Sherryl  and  Uplifting Love .  What yard would not want this Madison Wood Gym Set in it?!? I know that my grandchildren would love it! Not to mention all the kids in the neighborhood. I think that all kids would love it,from toddler to teens! One lucky winner will win a MADISON WOOD GYM SET Value $329.98 + Insurance for 2 years $52.99 (if is not available, winner can pick any Gym set up to $390.00 with insurance include) Dates: September 16 to October 7 US residents only All entries are optional a Rafflecopter giveaway {Disclosure:  NYSavingSpecials is responsible for prize.  If you have any question about this giveaway please send an email to  All entries a...

Kelka Jewelry Giveaway! 9/30

Hosted by: Satisfaction Through Christ Sponsored by: Kelka Jewelry Satisfaction Through Christ has teamed up with Kelka Jewelry to offer you the chance to win an $150 gift card to purchase the jewelry of your choice from Kelka Jewelry. Kelka Jewelry  is owned and operated by Keren Peled.  Keren lives in Israel where she works out of her studio.  Keren's work mixes old world influences with a modern flair and her collections appear regularly on the runways of New York and L.A. Fashion Weeks.  Kelka Jewelry has also been featured in magazines including: InStyle, Essence, Harper's Bazaar and adorn superstars such as Alicia Keys. I love jewelry,no matter what kind of outfit that you are wearing it can make such a big difference! Just think,that if you win this giveaway you can choose what you want to get! How awesome is that?!? To read a full review of Keren's work, please head over and read Satisfaction Through Christ's review . Giveaway Det...

Did I Say That Out Loud Blog Tour!

We've all had it - the "uh-oh" of wishing we could take back the comment that somehow escaped the filter between our brains and our mouths. Did I Say That Out Loud? is the tell-all account of the author's misadventures in the daily experience that is life. Told in the tone of a coffee-klatch gathering with your best girlfriends - you know, the ones you can share anything and everything with - the author holds nothing back as she recounts the trials and tribulations of life as Kelly Harman. Thinking of braving Botox or plastic surgery? Get the real scoop from Kelly, including pre-procedure husband prep. Need help when your cat catches on fire? Ask Kelly how to extinguish the flames without spilling your wine. Survival tips for when a 300 pound man falls on you? Ask Kelly, who lived to tell the tale. Kelly captures those "you can't make this stuff up" dramas and takes them one step further. She shows us that by reveling in the inevitable...