Boys To Boys Is Having A Just for Mom Giveaway Event Aug 3~13th
Right Now She is Seeking Sponsors and Co-hosts and it is free to sign up!
Moms should not only be celebrated just one day per year! They should be celebrated at every opportunity we get! So please join us as we celebrate Moms with a fabulous giveaway event Just for Moms! There will be multiple prizes and multiple winners in this giveaway!
{Prizes are to be announced. Some great prizes already lined up!!}
If you are interested in sponsoring or being a co-host in this giveaway event please see all the details here
Entries for sponsors will be accepted until July 29th, and entries for
co-hosts will be accepted until July 29 or until we have reached 30
bloggers. Prizes will be announced as sponsors are received.
Sounds really exciting!Moms deserve to be celebrated every single day and your idea is really great. Thanks!