Now that the holidays are around the corner~that means that he kids will be wanting new toys! But~with the new toys comes clutter. As if your kids are anything like my grandchildren they want to hold on to that doll or truck that they haven't played with in over 3 months! So~I am here to help with my top 10 tips to De~Clutter those toys!
1~Take all the toys that are in good condition and they have outgrown or just have not played with for a long time and donate them.As there are so many places that will be glad to take them for other kids to play with!
2~Get bins that the kids can see thru~so they know what is in each one.And mark them on the outside so that when they are done playing with them,they can put them back in the bin for next time!
3~Make it fun for the kids to clean! As~when my grandchildren are here~I tell them that as soon as the toys are picked up there is a surprise in it for them. I usually give them a fruit snack or some little thing that I picked up at the Dollar store. Works every time and there is no arguing and we are all happy!
4~Stuffed Animals? You can buy those little nets as the dollar store and hang them in the corner to keep them out of the way~but still let your kids enjoy them!
5~My grandchildren love all the Polly Pockets but the pieces get lost and then we end up with only one shoe or boot! I cleaned out a Miracle Whip jar and put all the little clothes and shoes~put the cover on and labeled it on the outside.
6~Dress Up Clothes? Put little hooks on the wall so they can hang those little dresses up for next time.I put them at eye level so they can reah them.
7~Small carts with wheels can also be used for the bigger toys.Like trucks and balls.You can store these in the closet too for more room.
8~Take all the toys that are broken or have lost pieces and toss them.You have to explain to the kids that they are not any use to them so they have to go!
9~Take all the board games and puzzles and put them together. Store them on a shelf in the closet so when the time comes to play with them~they are all there complete!
10~Use small shelves that you can hang on the wall to store all the books.As it doesn't take up much space and they can see them all.
So~that is my top 10 tips for De-Cluttering and Organizing Toys! Do you have ones that I didn't think of? As~I would love to hear yours too!
{“I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hot Wheels® blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”}
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