Batman wings into an exciting new era, teaming with a mighty honor roll of DC Comics Super Heroes in this action-packed series. Through the show’s season two 12 Animated Adventures in this 2-Disc Collection, the Dark Knight allies with Aquaman, Plastic Man, Blue Beetle, Red Tornado, Green Arrow, Wildcat, Deadman, Bronze Tiger and Atom to take on an array of evildoers ranging from mad scientists to intergalactic crooks, from power-mad dictators to out-of-control teenagers.
This DVD was just released on August 16th and we had a chance to review a copy. This is a great DVD for everyone in the family. As I remember watching Batman when I was a kid and this seemed like I was watching that again. What a delight to see all the old Super Heroes in this DVD set! I like DVD's where I can share them with my grandchildren. But they laugh when they think of "Grandma" watching cartoons,as they think that I was born old.. I am sure that everyone in your family will also enjoy watching this and you can get your own copy here
{I was sent Batman The Brave and The Bold Season Two Part One DVD to review~All opinions are my own.No monies were offered or exchanged}
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