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Showing posts from May, 2009

My First Blog Award Today!!

Thanks to Kelli from Three Boys and a Dog she was so sweet to give this to me! Here are the rules (as per Amy's site): 1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. 2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Super fun! Now, I get to give this award to 15 people. 1~Confessions of a Mid Life Trucker's Wife 2~A Daily Dose Of Toni 3~annies home 4~MarieLynn Boutique 5~Auntie Thesis 6~Sage and Savvy 7~Designs By Vanessa 8~the whole truth about merchandise 9~Country Girl,City Life 10~Verging on 40 11~PixiSette 12~Coffee With The Mrs 13~A Mom's Journey 14~The Copper Brick Roll 15~Life Is Sweet!
Still entering contests~and can't win a dang thing!! Hopefully the month of May will be better!!


What a great day that it was today! It was 67 degrees out~So Mom and I went and hit a bunch of Garage Sales!! Didn't find too much stuff as they didn't really have much..We both did manage to find a clock for the kitchen for .50 so that was a deal...I also found a few things for the grandchildren and already sent it home with David! Not sure what the rest of the week~end will hold as for now the only thing looking good to me is the bathtub!